


THE REPENTANCE Muh. Dliyaul Haq “Damn it...!!!” grumbled kartono to a man on the mirror who faced him. However, the man-on the miror- wasn’t merely quiet. He, Indeed, did like what Kartono had said. The man on the mirror was Kartono’s expression because of having frustation. It was exactly four weeks Kartono had not a real job. Since fired from a company he had worked, he didn’t have a real status whether a vagrant or a jobless. However, right now he promply needed much money to survive and pay for his all debt. For several days, Kartono had attempted to apply a job in a firm, but his effort didn’t bring about a good result. A sertificate of his yunior High school couldn’t make his hope to get the job he wannted to come true soon. “you must be failed again, right?” asked uncle Kun while enjoying his cigaratte. “ where do you exactly wanna apply for?” uncle Kun continued. “ in the company like i did last month”. Answered kartono while facing his face on the mirror. “


MUSIM HUJAN TIBA Oleh:   Sasmito Hudoyo             Pada saat  aku tiba di daerah  penempatanku di SMP SATAP Lemarang  Desa Lemarang Kecamatan Reo Barat Kabupaten Manggarai Raya pada awal musim hujan pada bulan Oktober 2012. Kondisi wilayah terletak di pesisir pantai utara Desa itu berbatasan langsung dengan Kabupaten Manggarai barat.             Selamat datang di SMP SATAP Lemarang di pagi itu siswa siswi sudah berbaris untuk menyambut kedatanganku di sekolah, langsung saya masuk ke ruang guru rekan kerja sudah menyambut selamat pagi pak, langsung saja menghampiri untuk berjabat tangan dan memperkenalkan diri nama saya Sasmito Hudoyo yang pertama bapak Aloidajusius selaku kepala sekolah,pak Maertinus Ten Guru bahasa Indonesia,Pak Angel guru agama khatholik, Friddaus sukur guru matematika, Doroteus egot guru bahasa Inggris, Herybertus Jehali guru PPKN, Yustina Mutis guru IPS saya berasal dari Temanggung Jawa Tengah dari Universitas Negeri Semarang jurusan PJKR ikut progr