Muh. Dliyaul Haq

“Damn it...!!!” grumbled kartono to a man on the mirror who faced him. However, the man-on the miror- wasn’t merely quiet. He, Indeed, did like what Kartono had said. The man on the mirror was Kartono’s expression because of having frustation.
It was exactly four weeks Kartono had not a real job. Since fired from a company he had worked, he didn’t have a real status whether a vagrant or a jobless. However, right now he promply needed much money to survive and pay for his all debt.
For several days, Kartono had attempted to apply a job in a firm, but his effort didn’t bring about a good result. A sertificate of his yunior High school couldn’t make his hope to get the job he wannted to come true soon.
“you must be failed again, right?” asked uncle Kun while enjoying his cigaratte.
“ where do you exactly wanna apply for?” uncle Kun continued.
“ in the company like i did last month”. Answered kartono while facing his face on the mirror.
“ are you dreaming, you think Agus will approve you twice, oh....come on boy you had made him down, i’m not sure he’ll approve you any more. Think it well” said uncle kun again. Katono only could say nothing, and silent as well as a face on the miror in front of him.
Previously, Kartono worked in a big company belonged to Agus, his pal. At the time agus asked for Kartono to work in one of his companies for not having a heart to see his friend just playing and hanging out around on a bridge. Moreover, Agus felt guilty to let Kartono, who had just lost his parents, live without any real job. Like a hungry tiger seeing a deer, kartono directly accept the offer without any consideration

After many years working at the company, kartono’s life was totally different. He, at first, was an ordinary employee, at last his position was promoted as supervisor at the company. Since then, Kartono had prosperity. He could have everything he wanted to. However, the rich was not enough for him. As a result, the seal of his greedy began shaky.
In the beginning of month, all employees should have same right to get their salary. But many of them did’t receive it at all. Shortly afterwards, this incident was known by Agus. The owner of the company found there was something wrong with the way of wage distribution that is carried out by Kartono.
The following day, Agus clearly fired Kartono from his company, because Kartono had been proved of doing money laundry. Indeed, Kartono was sentenced for taking some of company funds, so he had to back all the money and paid one hundred million fine instead of his crime or he would be jailed as long as ten year if he didn’t. In this case, Kartono would prefer choose the first one.
As a sequence, Kartono became a poorman again. He was from nothing to nothing. No body had sympathy to him but uncle Kunari, the only man who permitted him to stay at his dodge.
“ let bygone be bygones, you must manage a your life better” uncel Kun continued “ perhaps the god is warning you about your last conduct”
“ huf...god is not fair, why He only jugde me, many officials out there doing corruption but they’re just fine”.
“ Hus,,,,you should say thanks to god for giving you a chance to back to the right way. And you should understand It’s just a warning from god in order that you don’t do the disgraceful conduct anymore, just find the money in good way!! ”. Explained uncle Kun while leaving Kartono in silence.
Night was falling, but the moon didn’t show its beuty off. Neither did the stars. He looked like reluctant to show their glamorous spots. It seemed the dark-cloud was swallowing them to the following night.
Like as the previous night. Kartono went outside quitely without uncle Kun consciousness. He went to a place where he came occasionally,that is, Kartini bridge.
“ Hei..Kar, where have you been? It was very long time i waited for you”. Asked a woman named Rhisma Suddenly. Actually, if the woman was looked at in detail, she was very odd. As fashion she truly looked like a real woman. But her sounds was completely like a gentleman.
Kartono stayed quiet, the light in the corner of the bridge was shooting his face clearly, it looked there was something troubled his mind. He just remembered about what uncle Kun said to him “just find the money in good way!!”.
“ Kar…are you all right?” asked Rhisma slowly.
“ Oh of of off course, yeah i’m just all right”.
“ i hope so?? fine, i’ll go over there first, just wait here baby”. Said Rhisma and then turned around to come close to a black luxurious jaguar car stopped on the left side of bridge.
It’s about ten from rhisma steps, suddenly from the same direction a big sand truck moved quickly accros the bridge. A second later.”brkkkkkkk....” a body was flung away by the truck stroke, the body rolled in, and then the head crashed the sidewalk of bridge so it drew alot of blood. Rhisma turned his head and cried out hysterically.
Some minutes later, many people crowded on the bridge, so kartono wanted to know what was happening. In the middle on the crowded of people Kartono asked, however, nobody heard him. At a glance, he saw a women like Rhisma was laying down and was bespattered with blood. And yet, the dress which the woman wore resembled with the dress he wore.
Kartono was increasingly curious, then he came closer to know who was the dying body exactly. Suddenly, The kartono’eyes were wide-opened, his heart was beaten so fast, and his body was trembled, as if he didn’t believe who he had just seen. He just saw a body and face which he often faced on the mirror. The unlucky body and face of the woman was his own body. A truck driver had attacked him when he was daydreaming on Kartini bridge so he was between life and death.
And afterwards, Kartono realized if he was dressing like a women and changing his name when working as “imitation man” at Kartini bridge. And his woman body was his expression of frustation in return for not another job he could get.
Kartono ran away from the crowded, his tears felt down, his mouth vibrated:
My Lord, I can’t belive it is me, But, i do belive You create it for me
My god, You know what i’m now
Many things i must do for you,
And now you wanna take my life,
So why you give me a life,
My lord, you know everything,
I’m like this and It’s not my wish,
My god, please give me a chance,
I wanna make a better change,
My god, please, I promise.
Slowly, the night tears drizzle, the drizzle wetted the lightspole and the drizzle felt a human who was getting deeply depressed.
“ call up an ambulance!! Call up an ambulance!!". Suddenly, someone shouted very loudly. “ he is still alive”. Cried Rhisma alias Warisman next to Kartini alias Kartono who was still laying on the ground of Kartini bridge.


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